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Privacy & Safety

The privacy policy of Carob Tree Publishing (CTP)


(In accordance with Law No. 1.165 of 23 December 1993 as amended, governing the processing of personal information; and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 applicable since 25 May 2018, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.)




Statement of principle


Carob Tree Publishing (CTP) attaches great importance to the protection of the privacy of its customers. This document explains, in a clear and transparent way, how we use and process your personal data. In addition, we indicate how to contact us if you have questions about your personal data. This privacy policy applies to all information we collect through our various applications.


To do this, we make every effort to protect and secure all the personal data you agree to share with us, exclusively for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and in compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements in force. We only keep your personal data for the time necessary to provide our services or for the mandatory legal period.


Definition of the perimeter


This concerns the data received in the following ways:


- CTP website


- profile for online purchase (ticketing and shop)


- CTP-Events App


- E-mag


- Newsletters


- Commercial canvassing by the CTP


Right of access, rectification and dereference of your data


You have the right to access, correct, delete and transmittate your data. You also have the right to limit their treatment. Subject to the paragraph "Retaination of customer data" and other exceptions provided for by law.


You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. This opposition has immediate effect, but has no retroactive effect on the treatment already carried out. To the extent that, due to your opposition, the CTP would no longer be able to perform the services contractually agreed with you, this opposition will be considered a breach of contract by the customer and the CTP will have the right to terminate its contract with you without notice. The sums committed by the customer will remain due.


To assert these rights, you can contact the CTP at the address indicated in the "Contact" paragraph.


In the event of non-compliance by the CTP with data protection legislation, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent control bodies.


Data protection


We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data and only store it on secure servers. Carob Tree Publishing is protected by measures in accordance with the current state of the art against the loss, destruction, manipulation of data, access to and their modification or disclosure by unauthorized persons.


However, it is your responsibility to protect your customer account with a secure password, keep it in a safe place and modify it at regular intervals.


Retention of customer data


As a general rule, for accounting reasons, Carob Tree Publishing keeps the personal data collected about its customers for a period of 10 years after their last processing. We keep the other data for as long as it is necessary for the performance of the contract and the preservation of our rights, except for a longer retention period in the event of a legal obligation or for operational reasons.


Personal data collected for marketing reasons are generally deleted as soon as it has fulfilled its function or at the customer's request.




For any questions about this Privacy Policy or data protection at Carob Tree Publishing, please contact:


Carob Tree Publishing


Financial and Legal Department


10 Avenue Princesse Grace


98000 Monaco




Purpose of data processing


Carob Tree Publishing processes the personal data of its customers for the purpose of performing its services, selling its products and information.


Disclosure actions


Carob Tree Publishing has the obligation to transmit your personal data to the Monegasque and foreign criminal, administrative and judicial authorities, if their disclosure is imperative for the prevention or repression of comparable crimes, offences or administrative offences. This transmission will be carried out exclusively in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.


Data processing by third parties in Monaco and abroad


For the purpose of carrying out its services, Carob Tree Publishing also uses third parties based in Monaco and/or abroad for the processing of personal data.


External recipients of personal data include: Service providers in the field of events, marketing, customer feedback, IT and payment services. Newsletter sending platforms and partner companies.




Use of the website and cookie policy


You can consult the CTP website and find out about our offers without providing personal information. We only ask for your personal data when it is necessary for the provision of our services and for the execution of transactions concluded with Carob Tree Publishing or its partners.


When you access our website, our system automatically records the technical data of the device on which you are connecting. The information collected is: the type of browser and the version used, the operating system, the Internet service provider and the user's IP address, the date and time of access.


Carob Tree Publishing uses navigation cookies to facilitate the use of the site and the application managed by Carob Tree Publishing, and to obtain indications on the possibilities of improving the information and services accessible on the site. This evaluation is carried out anonymously, i.e. unrelated to personal data.




You have the possibility to create your own profile on our website. The profile simplifies your online purchases and the receipt of other offers from Carob Tree Publishing and its partner companies.


When creating a profile, we ask you for personal data, including your surname, first name, telephone number, email address and postal address.


CTP-Events App


The CTP-Events application allows you to search for information about events taking place at Carob Tree Publishing and book your tickets through your profile. Downloading our application simplifies the receipt of other offers from Carob Tree Publishing and its partner companies.


When you download our application, our system automatically records the technical data of the device you are connecting to. The information collected is: Unique identifier self-generated and specific to the mobile terminal application, terminal name, terminal model, OS version, preferred language, application version.




On request, you can receive our magazine dedicated to the environment. Subscribing to our magazine simplifies the receipt of other offers from Carob Tree Publishing and its partner companies.


You can unsubscribe free of charge at any time on request.




On request, we will keep you informed of all the news and offers of Carob Tree Publishing. If you subsequently no longer wish to receive the Carob Tree Publishing Newsletter, you can unsubscribe from it free of charge at any time.


As part of the Newsletter, we process your data in order to be able to send you information related to Carob Tree Publishing and its partners. We also process and use the email address indicated to send you personalized offers related to the Newsletter.


If by clicking on a link in our Newsletter you are redirected to our site, you also authorize us to process and use your IP address, as well as your geographical data, web beacons or similar technologies, in order to verify that

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